Max Potential Profile is a development tool designed to help you maximize your leadership potential. It’s based on research and data on factors that are critical to leadership potential. There are two ways to benefit from this tool. The first option is to utilize Table Mountain to help facilitate the process or you may choose to administer the Max Potential Profile tool on your own.

This report is based on your responses to an online assessment. It focuses on your natural work related preferences and tendencies. Many leaders are hired or promoted because of their existing skills or their past track record. While past performance is important, research has highlighted the importance of other factors linked to longer term leadership success. These are often more difficult see or measure. Exploring all of these factors together provides you with a more holistic view of your current strengths and development areas. These include:

Behavioral skills important to success in leadership roles

Career experiences that prepare us for the challenges of leadership

Personal values and preferences that influence what motivate us and gives us a sense of purpose.

Personal qualities that are the foundation of our personality. We focus in on those qualities that linked to personal growth and development.

Personal qualities that, if overdone, can get in the way of our effectiveness and development.

What are your strengths and development areas as a leader? Higher scores are those competencies that come more naturally to you and are likely to be energizing and a natural area of strength. Lower scores are areas that are likely more draining for you and less motivating. Bear in mind this is about your natural energy for various competencies, not your actual performance in each area. 


What key experiences have you encountered on the way up? What experiences would help round out your leadership capabilities or prepare you for the next steps in your career?


How would others describe you? What are the foundations of your personality style? What qualities will help fuel your growth and development? Traits are the building blocks of our personality, They’re important as they are the foundation for our leadership style. They impact how we think, how we relate to others, how we make decisions, how we get things done and how we learn.


What drives you? What gives you a sense of purpose? What type of work and environments bring out the best in you? Drivers are the motivation. values and preferences that shape our career choices and aspirations. They influence what kinds of environments and work will give us a sense of fulfillment. The goal is not to change your drivers. It’s to understand what makes you tick so you can make choices and adaptations that will make your work more productive and rewarding.


What are you like under pressure? What unhelful patterns of behaviour do you get pulled into? How can these trip you up? Risk factors are tendencies, that when overdone, can get in the way of our effectiveness. Their influence over our behavior tends to get dialled up under high levels of pressure. The goal is not to eliminate them, but to be aware of them and develop strategies to keep them in check.


Professionalism. Expertise. Commitment. these are the first three words that spring to mind.

– Eric Benson, Organizational development & Training consultant, oak ridge national laboratory

Competencies are skills and behaviors that can be both observed and learned. They enable us to have a positive impact on the organization and people around us. Below is a summary of your competency profile across four domains of leadership effectiveness. No one is strong in all four areas.

The goal is to understand where your spikes of strength lie and which areas may not come so naturally to you.


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